Predictive astrology, also known as forecasting or horary astrology, involves using astrological techniques to anticipate future events and trends in an individual's life. This branch of astrology employs various methods such as transits, progressions, and solar returns to project potential outcomes and timings for significant life events. The positions and movements of planets are analyzed to provide insights into forthcoming opportunities, challenges, and changes.
For instance, transits, which track the current positions of planets in relation to the natal chart, can indicate periods of growth, transformation, or difficulty. Progressions, which involve advancing the natal chart to a specific time, offer a deeper understanding of personal evolution and long-term trends. Solar returns, calculated for one's birthday each year, provide a snapshot of the year ahead, highlighting key themes and areas of focus.
Predictive astrology aims to empower individuals by offering foresight into future possibilities, helping them to make informed decisions and prepare for upcoming phases. While its accuracy is debated, this practice resonates with those who believe in the influence of cosmic cycles on their personal journey, seeking guidance to navigate their future with confidence.