A birth chart, or natal chart, is a personalized map of the sky at the exact time and place of an individual's birth, used in astrology to gain insights into their personality, strengths, challenges, and life path. The birth chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different areas of life such as self-identity, finances, communication, home, and relationships. The position of the Sun, Moon, and planets in these houses, along with the aspects (angles) they form with each other, are analyzed to provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual's astrological influences. The Sun sign represents the core identity and ego, the Moon sign reflects emotional nature and subconscious, and the Rising sign (Ascendant) indicates outward demeanor and first impressions. Additionally, the positions of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto provide further insights into various aspects of personality and life experiences. By understanding their birth chart, individuals can gain a deeper awareness of their innate tendencies, potential challenges, and opportunities for growth, helping them make more informed decisions and navigate life's journey with greater self-awareness and purpose.